Big Query
This example demonstrates how to use the Big Query
connector in ydata-sdk
Don't forget to set up your license key
Example Code
"""Google Cloud Big Query example."""
from ydata.connectors import BigQueryConnector
from ydata.utils.formats import read_json
def get_token(token_path: str):
"Utility to load a token from .secrets"
# Use relative path from file to token to be able to run regardless of the cwd()
return read_json(token_path)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load the secret token
token = get_token("gcs_credentials.json")
# Instantiate the Connector
connector = BigQueryConnector(
project_id="bucketname", keyfile_dict=token)
# Load a dataset
data = connector.query(
SELECT * FROM `ydatasynthetic.dataset_test.cardio_data`
nrows, ncols = data.shape(lazy_eval=False)
print(f"Our data has {nrows} rows and {ncols} columns.")
data_sample = connector.query_sample(query="""
SELECT * FROM `ydatasynthetic.dataset_test.cardio_data`
connector.write_table_from_data(data=data_sample, database='dataset_test', table='Teste_sample')